Monday, September 11, 2017

The Magellan Project

Washington & Jefferson College

The Magellan Project, something unique only to Washington & Jefferson College, allows students to get funded to conduct an independent study anywhere in the world. This opportunity is offered for every summer for freshman, sophomores, and juniors. The Magellan Project allows students to do research for anything no matter their major and it is also a personal growth experience.

Of course, there is a process:
-Part One: Statement of Intent.
Student proposes a project and simple questions about themselves so the committee can get to know the student.
-Part Two: Formal Application:
Student gives project description, personal statement, and budget.

This project has allowed Washington & Jefferson College to develop a network in 50 different countries in 6 continents.

The Magellan Project also offers the Franklin Internship Award, which finds students to intern both domestically and internationally.

The Magellan project taught me more than just architecture and immigration, it taught me my real values and interests. Being alone, away from outside influence, makes you think about what you really miss and really love. These realizations have helped me be more confident with values and ideas that I’ve always had, but never shared.

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